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Penny's Money

4.6 ( 7856 ratings )
Développeur Currency App

Pen­ny’s Mon­ey is a fun, in­ter­ac­tive smart­phone app that helps kids learn about ban­knote se­cu­ri­ty and de­sign fea­tures. This digi­tal tool brings learn­ing to kids’ fin­ger­tips, mak­ing the app a class­room and at-home re­source.

Pen­ny’s Mon­ey has two pri­ma­ry com­po­nents – a teach­ing part, where Pen­ny the Par­rot ex­plains the se­cu­ri­ty fea­tures in a child­ish way and a sec­ond quest part, where kids can test their knowl­edge and earn some trophies.

Please use your G+D sam­ple note to ac­ti­vate the unique Aug­ment­ed Re­al­i­ty ex­pe­ri­ence and en­joy! If you dont have one, please find a flat surface and a virtual banknote will appear.